
Applications Built




StockGEN is a stock tip generator and toolbelt that tracks Hedge Fund Investments in the Life Sciences. It askes the user what type of investment they are looking for and suggests tips based on user's risk tolerance. Built using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Materialize, AJAX, Firebase, and External API's.


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Burgerlicious is a full-stack app that enables the user to select a burger to be devoured and custom order new burgers. Built using MySQL, Node.JS, HTML, Materialize, CSS, Handlebars, Javascript, ORM + (Sequelize) and Heroku.


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Friendfinder is a full-stack dating/compatibility app that matches users together based on responses given to ten questions. It suggests and displays a picture of the user's best match. Built using Node.JS, HTML, Javascript, Materialize, and Heroku

Crystal Collectormore_vert

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Crystal Collectorclose

Crystal Collector is an entertaining number and memory game where the player tries to use magical crystals to match a random number picked by the computer. Built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, and JQuery.

Simpson's Trivia Quizmore_vert

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Simpson's Trivia Quizclose

Simpson's Trivia Quiz is a fun timed quiz where the taker tries to complete it before the theme song ends. Scores are shown to the user after the song is finished. Built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, and JQuery.

California Train Schedulermore_vert

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Califronia Train Schedulerclose

California Train Scheduler is an app where the user can view the arrival time and intervals of trains from a station. The User may also add new trains to the scheduler. Built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, and Firebase.


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Giftastic makes AJAX calls to fetch GIF's from GIPHY API and displays them on the page. Built using HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, and Javascript.

Olympic Medal Tracker 2018more_vert

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Olympic Medal Tracker 2018close

Olympic Medal Tracker tracker summarizes the Winter Olympics 2018 medal awards by country, medal and event. It utilizes Google Maps, Materialize, HTML, CSS, Jquery, Node.JS, MySQL, Handlebars, Sequelize, and Heroku.

Bamazon Storefrontmore_vert

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Bamazon Storefrontclose

Bamazon Storefront is a transaction processing and inventory management app that simulates an online store. The customer app allows users to view items for sale. The customer is asked how many items they wish to purchase. If there are enough items in inventory, the customer will see the completed transaction. The manager app allows users to view current inventory, add items to inventory, create new items for sale, and see low inventory alerts. Bamazon is a console based/command line app. Built using Node.JS, Javascript, and MySQL.

LIRI smart assistantmore_vert

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LIRI Smart Assistantclose

LIRI Smart Assistant is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface app similar to SIRI. Depending on user input, LIRI can retrieve information using external API's. The user can see information about songs, movies, tweets, and do preassigned tasks. It uses Spotify, Open Movie Database, and Twitter API's to accomplish tasks. Built using Node.JS and Javascript.

Wired News Scrapermore_vert

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Wired News Scraperclose

The app scrapes Wired for top stories on their homepage and enables the user to save articles for later. The app scrapes using Cheerio and mutiple REST API routes to gather JSON. Next, it is connected to MongoDB to push the stories into the database and schemas are created using Mongoose. It also uses Handlebars templating to render the results on the DOM. The front end framework uses Materialize components and server side programming is accomplished with Node.JS and Express. Finally, Heroku is used to host the app. Built with HTML, Javascript, JQuery, CSS, Materialize, Node.JS, Express, Handlebars, Mongoose, MongoDB & Heroku.


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SpotME! is an exercise log for the gym. User enter the type of exercise they are doing and ReactJS interacts with MongoDB to store user data. The front-end was built using ReactJS and Bootstrap and the back-end uses NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, and Mongoose Schemas. Finally, deployment of the app uses Heroku. Inspiration for this app came after recovering from a broken leg during a ski accident. I needed a way to track my leg strengthening progress in the gym on my phone, so I decided to build a basic React app that does this. It is still a work in progress.


Full-Stack Web Development

With fluency in Full Stack Web Development, you'll get a highly-customized, supremely functional product from the client-side to the back-end.


Your Vision Deployed

My job is to make your unique vision a stunning reality across all of today's platforms and mobile devices. While building a custom website or app is intimidating for many, it's not for me. So relax, while I make it look polished and responsive. It will look and perform incredibily.


Up To Date

You can be sure you are getting the freshest, most competitive product as I keep up with the latest libraries and tools in the industry. My learning never stops.


Made With Love

I put a lot of passion and energy into each of my projects and love to see smiles when a project is complete. Let's build something you'll fall in love with.

My Specialities

View Resume

Josh Silverman - creative strategy for web development.

A little bit about me:

My first computer was a Commodore 64 back when floppy disks were still a "thing." That was all I needed to get hooked on computers. I've remained a tech junkie ever since.

Much of my professional life has been as a stock trader. I've used many software platforms to invest and trade for a Wall Street Firm, a hedge-fund, and as a proprietary trader.

As an avid learner, I built my wife a website for her real estate business before I was formally trained in coding. A few months later, I enrolled in UC-Berkeley's 6 month intensive Full-Stack Developer Certificate program to pursue a career in Web Development. I've used this focus to build polished personal and small business websites, complex web-apps that consume mutiple API's, as well as interactive, memorable, and functional apps that leave an impression on the user. I discovered I love building apps more than trading!

What I love most about Web Development is that it is a constant challenge. Tools are always changing and one is in a state of continual learning and adapting. Transforming an idea into something you can see and feel after hours of hard-work is extremely satisfying. I love finding solutions to problems, fixing stuff, and creating new sites and apps. Coding has given me a methodical approach to crafting functional, well-designed products.

In my free time, I enjoy spending quality time with my family, sketching, mountain-biking and refereeing youth soccer matches